Saving the Kigezi goat
Preserving and promoting the endangered indigenous Kigezi goats to improve food security, social cultural wealth and the incomes of rural women and youth.
Our story
The concept of starting the Kigezi Goat Foundation was idealized after noticing how it was becoming difficult to come across a Kigezi goat breed in Uganda, Kigezi goats are one of the most beautiful goats, highly resistant to environmental harshness and one of the few indigenous goat breeds we have in Uganda. Young men and women hailing from different parts of Uganda, specifically from Kigezi came together to establish this organization with the aim of giving back to the community using the goat as a tool to reach out to many young vulnerable women and youth in the rural areas of Kigezi and other parts of western Uganda.
What we do
Preserving and promoting the endangered indigenous Kigezi goats to improve food security, social cultural wealth and the incomes of rural women and youth.
Passing on a gift
In this model a household receives a female pregnant goat, and they will pass on the first offspring to another already prepared household, this process is well managed by the Kigezi goat interest groups.
Latest News
The role of a veterinary doctor in goat farming
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How Best Do I Manage Female Goats
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Goats: What You Must Know, Do!
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